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Rooms for rent, roommates and apartment share in Dayton

Search 22,814 Available Rooms for rent in Dayton, OH

Roomnett offers an effective way to find your new roommate or rental rooms. We have hundreds of roomies currently available in Dayton OH. We have single and double rooms from $300 to rent near Dayton OH available through Roomnett. Roomnett website and mobile App is exclusively designed for sharing rooms between students, young working professionals and others. Through Roomnett message and chat you will discover more with instant chat while keeping your phone number private. Discover your roommate fast, skip the brokerage or agency fee and never feel broke again. If you are looking for a roommate, create a listing that you “Offering a Room”, for potential roommates to find you. Also, if you are “Looking for a Room”, create a listing for yourself, for people having a room or looking for team-up to find you. It's 100% free and easy to list sublets or share, post or search for your perfect match.

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