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Rooms for rent, roommates and apartment share in Montgomery

Search 22,211 Available Rooms for rent in Montgomery County

Find thousands of roomies and roommates currently available in Montgomery County MD. We have single and double rooms listing ranging from $225 and above for rent near Montgomery County MD available through Roomnett. There are thousands of rental rooms in Montgomery County MD and you can find your perfect match through Roomnett website and mobile App. You can find your perfect roommate based your location, interest, and lifestyle. Get started Now! Join our growing user community in Roomnett iOS and Android Mobile App. Rent your dream place, find the right Co-living place. You are guaranteed to find a roomie with Roomnett. If you are looking for a roommate, create a listing that you “Offering a Room”, for you to be matched with potential roommates. Also, if you are “Looking for a Room”, create a listing profile for yourself, for you to be matched with available rooms from people offering rooms. Or preferably you choose to join other housemates looking to team-up. It's 100% free and easy to list or advertise, post or search for your perfect roommate.

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